Len played, and at the last minute Toddy suddenly called out “Foot up!”, only for three to go galloping off into rounds while the others, being within earshot, obeyed. Result - bad attack, red faces, anger, and re-start, this time without mishap. To spare further embarrassment, Maggie and Janet went out to perform while the men held an inquest. Happily the girls dance went without a hitch, and it cheered the others up no end when it came to the turn of the children's Modern Dance Group and a teacher announced that the kids were about to dance such and such, only to be told by the kids that they were dancing something else!

The ceilidh continued, but still people would not join in. The answer? “We'll do a snake and get 'em all to join in, at least nobody can cock that one up”, decided John. And, surprise! It was a roaring success, as one by one people tagged on. “What's going on?” they asked, “Get on the end and you'll find out!”

The snake got longer and longer, as it wound its way round tables and chairs, people, out of the door and back inside, up and down the stage, round the concrete pillar, where the bright spark at the front ducked under the arms of a nearby couple. Normally, this would have resulted in one of the couples having to spin round as the last person ducked under, but they had just gone round a concrete pillar, the side of the snake found itself inexorably drawn towards the unyielding obstacle, thus: